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Fuzzy Marketing

Fuzzy Marketing

Comercio electrónico de respuesta directa

Lucca, Tuscany, Italy



Somos líderes en Italia en el desarrollo de proyectos online de respuesta directa. Nos destacamos por nuestro enfoque innovador en marketing y comercio electrónico, centrándonos en métodos basados en respuesta directa aplicados a nuestro comercio electrónico. Nacimos de décadas de experiencia en el sector, hemos desarrollado un sistema único, probado y contrastado, que monitoriza cuidadosamente el ROI de cada inversión. Nos diferenciamos significativamente de las agencias web y las agencias de marketing en redes sociales por su enfoque en el ecosistema completo del comercio electrónico.

En Fuzzy Marketing hemos estudiado y perfeccionado un sistema basado en etapas de concienciación del cliente.

Digámoslo de esta manera: ¿alguna vez has oído que el tiempo lo es todo?

No se trata sólo de vender, sino de comprender cuándo y cómo presentar su oferta.

Lo que hace que nuestra estrategia sea única es que tenemos en cuenta exactamente dónde se encuentra un cliente potencial en su proceso de compra.

No es lógico presentar una solución a alguien que aún no se ha dado cuenta de que tiene un problema.

Tamaño del negocio del cliente
Presupuesto por proyecto
Duración del proyecto
  • A partir de 1-3 months
Foco geográfico
  • Italy
  • Inglés
  • Francés
  • Italiano


valoración media basada en las opiniones de Google
Pets and the city Monsummanoen
May 16, 2024

I had a couple of calls with Lucia and I purchased the technical intervention on my e-commerce site, since I set it up self-taught. The guys were great and my site got the look I wanted, it actually improved a lot!!! I can't stop thanking them for all the support I've received

Alessia Taddeien
Mar 13, 2024

Fantastic call with Lucia who was able to understand and understand my shortcomings and strong points from the first moment, a girl who was nothing short of fantastic and clear throughout the call, she helped me on many points of view and enlightened me on some strategies which I had never thought of, a conversation that I was almost sorry had to end, very well prepared and above all it shows how much he cares about the development of the customer rather than stopping at the sale of the service offered, starting with skepticism at the end of the call I changed my mind about how important it was to deal with Lucia and how much she really cares about her work. I highly recommend this call and hope not to lose contact with her!

Cristian Iannoneen
Mar 25, 2024

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for your commitment, seriousness and preparation demonstrated in the recent project. Your dedication and professionalism have made it possible to achieve our objectives in an excellent and efficient manner. Throughout the course of this project, I have been able to observe with admiration your commitment to ensuring that every detail was carefully considered and that every challenge was approached with determination and intelligence. Your expertise and readiness to overcome challenges have been critical to the overall success of our team as we achieved an unprecedented surge in sales. I am truly grateful  for your continued dedication to your work and your individual contributions. It is an honor to work with such a serious and knowledgeable group like yours and I can't wait to face new challenges together and reach new goals in the future. Once again, thank you very much for your extraordinary commitment and exceptional contribution.

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